Co-Active Autonomous Observing Systems

Research supported in part by ONR, AFRL, AFOSR, Lincoln Laboratory, MISTI, and NSF

Adaptive Control Flight Experiment and Tests 3-30-21

Wed, 03/31/2021

E. Yamaguchi1, A. AlShareef1, A. Goel2, S. Ravela1, and D. Bernstein2
1: Earth Signals and Systems Group, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2: Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan

Test: 3/30/21
Important: Refer to dropbox for system log.

Summary: Several flights with ApparenticsSTS rewired with PX4/RFD900 in nominal configuration. Hold and stabilize turns. Other flights for boundary fence flying. 

​Flight Window is narrow!



Issues and comments

  1. Comms Lost due to data/RC channel conflict
  2. Rudder broke
  3. Wings separated on load producing mid fuselage gap.
  4. Airspeed sensor not reliable
  5. GPS works great!
  6. Landing Gear is a champ!
  7. Not enough control authority — replace elevator servo
  8. Deploy RCAC next, in aided mode before full auto.